13 Nov 2021 14:30 - 16:30 Europe/Athens

Reforestation and climate change: The day after Glasgow COP26

With catastrophic wildfires continuing to rage across Southeast Europe, Brazil, United States and Sub-Saharan Africa, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow will be the most challenging moment in international climate diplomacy since the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015. In this framework, reforestation has been highlighted as a key element in the climate change mitigation efforts; according to a recent UN report on biodiversity and ecosystem services, reforestation can help to rewind the habitat loss that threatens the extinction of up to 1 million plant and animal species, 1/4 of life on Earth.

Right after the Glasgow summit, Greek House Davos brings together key actors and decision-makers to discuss the outcome of COP26 and suggest concrete policy recommendations to navigate the day after.


Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou
Our Ocean Conference 2024 Coordinator, Member of the Hellenic Parliament, Chair of the Environment Committee of the Parliament


Jérôme Bindé
Writer and futurist, f. Deputy Assistant Director-General and Director of the Office of Foresight of UNESCO, Vice-President of Prospective 2100, Member of the Club of Rome, France
George Kremlis
Principal Advisor to the Prime Minister for energy, climate, environment and circular economy, Honorary Director, European Commission, Mandated by DG ENV for Circular Economy and Insularity
Konstantinos Aravossis
General Secretary for Natural Environment and Water, Ministry for Environment and Energy, Greece
Cristovam Buarque
f. Senator and Minister of Education, Member of the Board of the South Center, Brazil
Arab Hoballah
Executive Director SEED, Ex-Chief SCP, UNEP Senior Systems and Sustainability Expert, Greece / Mediterranean
Henry Saint-Bris
President of ANSA Sustainable Value, France
Frances Reynolds
President and Founder of Instituto InclusArtiz, Brazil and Portugal
Arnau Queralt – Bassa
Chair of the European Network of Environment and Sustainable Advisory Councils, director of the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development of Catalonia, Spain
Roberto Ignacio Betancourt
Vice-president of Superior Agribusiness Board and Head director of Agribusiness Department of Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), Brazil
Konstantinos Foutzopoulos
Executive Advisor, Greek House Davos