GHD 2023 Annual Meeting - 16-20 January 2023

The World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting will take place in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland from 16-20 January 2023.

Greek House Davos 2022 engages Greek industry leaders with top-tier decisionmakers and participants of the World Economic Forum, providing best-in-class events to address global trends, suggest growth-oriented regional strategies and systematize international business interaction.

In a week full of structured peer-to-peer networking amongst the most significant shapers of the post-pandemic era, Greek House Davos 2023 highlights the investment-friendly environment of Greece and promotes domestic investment opportunities to key international investors.

Through a flagship series of high-level panel discussions, cocktails, exclusive dinners, and ad hoc B2B and B2G meetings, Greek House Davos 2023 connects the Greek entrepreneurship ecosystem with global business leaders, acting as a catalyst for international partnerships and business synergies.

Greek House Davos
Davos Platz, Promenade 49